Dermatology Consultants of South Florida

Find Your Perfect Acne Treatment in Pompano Beach

Acne is a common skin condition for teenagers and adults. There are many myths about how to treat acne, but there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for acne because each person has a different skin type and living environment. That is why it is important to find your perfect acne treatment from an expert. The most common myth is that acne needs to run its course, so it is not necessary to treat it. This is false for most people because there are many effective treatments available in the Pompano Beach area, and if it is not treated, permanent scars may form. In addition, treating acne may reduce its appearance, which may boost the person’s self-esteem. There are topical creams, internal medications and other treatments for acne.

Prescription medications to apply to the skin include retinoid drugs derived from vitamin A. It helps prevent the hair follicles from becoming clogged. Antibiotic creams kill excess bacteria on the skin and reduce the redness of pimples. They are sometimes used in conjunction with a retinoid cream. They may also be used in combination with an antibiotic cream.

Oral medications include antibiotics for moderate and severe acne. They fight bacteria and reduce inflammation. This form of acne treatment should only be used for a short time. Our specialist will prescribe the antibiotics for the correct length of time. They may be used in conjunction with topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide or a topical retinoid cream.

Topical therapies may be recommended for people in Pompano Beach in combination with topical or oral medications. Chemical peels are the application of a special solution on the skin that removes the top layers of skin. The effects of this treatment do not last long and it needs to be repeated regularly. There are tools a specialist in Pompano Beach may use to extract blackheads and whiteheads that remain after topical treatments.

Whichever acne treatment is your best option, it is important to remember to keep your face clean and not pick or probe acne lesions. This can drive the infection deeper into the skin, increasing the chance of scarring and possibly causing the acne to spread. The appearance and pain of acne can be greatly reduced, if not eliminated, with one or a combination of several treatments that we have available at Dermatology Consultants of South Florida. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Sunrise or Coral Springs.