Dermatology Consultants of South Florida

How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps

You might have noticed some small and itchy red bumps that form on the skin’s surface after shaving. These after-shave effects are known as razor bumps, which result in skin irritation. This problem is mainly caused by minute bacteria and inflammation that penetrates the shaved skin surface, but it can also be the result of ingrown hairs. Razor bumps not only affect men, but they affect every person who shaves on a regular basis. Below are some treatments you can use to get rid of the uncomfortable and itchy effects of razor bumps.

Laser Hair Removal

This procedure involves burning hair follicles using a powerful laser beam. Laser hair removal is considered a long-term solution for getting rid of unwanted hair because it destroys the roots of the hair. The patient can go for several months without a shave once they undergo this procedure.

Use of Topical Creams

Some people experience razor bumps that take too long to heal. This problem can be solved by using a topical cream, which helps to reduce inflammation. Hydrocortisone creams are recommended for treating this condition, but patients are advised to seek professional advice before applying any cream. The good thing about topical creams is that they can be accessed through local drug stores.

Using Natural Supplements or Antibiotics 

Medical experts might suggest the use of oral antibiotics to deal with inflammation caused by razor bumps. The most common antibiotics prescribed by doctors include minocycline and doxycycline, which are also effective in acne treatment. Turmeric is one of the natural treatments you can consider because it acts as a remedy for mild and severe inflammation.

Consider Waxing

Due to the sensitivity of the skin around the pubic area or other parts of the body, using the razor can cause itching. One of the easiest ways to treat this problem is by switching to waxing or any other method that does not involve using the razor. Shaving hair can also result in a sharp edge to the hair, which can cause ingrown hairs.

Use a Single-Bladed Razor

The way you shave might determine whether you get razor bumps or not. Although this might not happen in all cases, using a single-blazed razor can prevent the itching and inflammation. According to recent research, shaving in the same direction as the hair grows can help to prevent razor bumps.

Follow these razor bump treatment methods to avoid the discomfort brought about by regular shaving. For professional advice or treatment, contact Dermatology Consultants of South Florida, PA today to schedule your consultation! We have offices in Coral Springs and Sunrise, FL.