There are a number of ways that laser hair removal in Florida can benefit you, and there are things you can do to prepare for your procedure. While the staff at Dermatology Consultants of South Florida, PA can tell you what to expect, knowing these practices in advance can help ensure you obtain the best possible results. While one of our professionals will be able to provide more detailed information, these guidelines will give you a good starting point.
Avoid Sun Exposure
In addition to darkening the skin, frequent sun exposure can also lighten the hair, which can interfere with the effectiveness of laser hair removal in Florida. For that reason, you should wait for your tan to fade before scheduling your first treatment procedure. Additionally, it’s wise to avoid sun exposure for the six weeks preceding your scheduled appointment. When sun exposure is necessary, wear a strong sunscreen on exposed areas of skin.
Don’t Pluck, Wax, or Use Electrolysis
Waxing, plucking, and electrolysis can all negatively impact the effectiveness of your laser hair removal in Florida. Shaving is permitted because it leaves the hair follicle in place. In fact, your doctor may advise you to shave with a clean and previously unused razor on the day before your appointment. Shaving can help the laser reach deeper to affect the hair follicles, while a new razor helps protect against dermatitis-causing bacteria.
Cleanse Your Skin
Another way to prepare for your laser hair removal in Florida is to avoid using skin care products for the days prior to your appointment and for a few days after having the procedure done. Anti-aging products, in particular, contain acids and chemical compounds that can cause skin irritation, when subjected to the laser treatments. For this reason, a member of our team may also provide you with a skin cleansing regiment to help rid your skin of cosmetics, creams, and lotions. You should be sure your skin is properly cleansed on the day of your appointment.
When you need laser hair removal in Florida, you can also improve your results by choosing a facility that specializes in this type of procedure. By contacting Dermatology Consultants of South Florida, PA you can learn more about the procedure and schedule a consultation today! We are conveniently located in Coral Springs and Sunrise, FL.
How to Get the Best Results from Your Laser Hair Removal