Dermatology Consultants of South Florida

Laser Hair Removal in Florida – What to Expect

Are you tired of shaving, waxing, and using hair removing creams, only to have to do the whole process again in a few days? Then laser hair removal may be the answer for you. Laser hair removal is common in Florida due to the long warm seasons. The experts at Dermatology Consultants of South Florida offer laser hair removal along with many other non-invasive cosmetic treatments. Here are some things to know about laser hair removal in Florida:

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is just what it says – laser energy is used to remove hair and stop it from growing back. You choose a location where you have unwanted body hair, like the legs, bikini area, back, underarms, chest, or arms, and that area is treated without removing skin or causing damage to connective tissues. It is one of the most used cosmetic treatments in the world, and laser hair removal is particularly popular in places with warmer climates, like Florida.

How Does It Work?

A special device sends pulses of laser energy into the skin. Those pulses get absorbed by the pigments in hair follicles and heat the hair follicles. The heat disables the follicles and stops them from producing hair.

Am I a Good Candidate?

If you are taking any medications, you should make sure to tell us before undergoing this treatment. Laser hair removal is non-invasive, so as long as you are in generally good health with no problems, you are a candidate for the treatment! A consultation will tell you if you are able to have it performed.

What to Expect

The treatment is performed in the comfort of our Coral Springs office in Florida. After the treatment is complete, the hair will coagulate and lessen over the following days. Treated areas may be red and tender to the touch, but this will dissipate with time. Multiple treatments are typically necessary, depending on your situation. This is something that will be covered in the consultation.

Getting Started with Laser Hair Removal

When you are ready to get laser hair removal in Florida, turn to the experts at Dermatology Consultants of South Florida in Coral Springs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!