Dermatology Consultants of South Florida

Massage Therapies and Services


Hot Stone Massage: “Relaxation on the rocks.” Experience a luxurious and relaxing massage with the application of deep penetrating heat with smooth heated stones. The heat and healing energy of the stones sink into the deepest layers of muscle to bring you to a new level of relaxation.

Swedish Massage: Based on classic European techniques, this full body massage helps sooth and relax muscles, increases circulation and improves overall skin tone while inducing a feeling of overall well being.

Deep Tissue Massage: This invigorating massage consists of many different techniques and is meant for active people with sore muscles or a limited range of motion. By using deeper more specific pressure this treatment will help improve your stamina, lessen pain, increase flexibility and help prevent injury.

Prenatal Massage: A gentle soothing massage for all expecting mothers. This massage helps relieve stress on weight bearing joints and reduces neck and back pain. Designed for pregnant women twelve weeks to full term.

Body Contouring Massage: A deep massage that targets localized fatty areas of the body to promote inch loss and aid burning the maximum amount of calories. (Recommend a series of 10 treatments)