Dermatology Consultants of South Florida

Non-Invasive Body Contouring with SculpSure

With different non-invasive body contouring treatments available today, SculpSure® stands out with its FDA-approved, handheld device that heats up the fat cells and kills them without causing injury to the skin.  We can perform this on patients who want to avoid the prolonged downtime and risks that come with liposuction and other surgery-based procedures.

How It Works

Non-invasive body contouring with SculpSure® uses laser energy that heats up and destroys the fat cells without injuring the overlying skin.  Over the following months, the dead cells are gradually flushed out by the body’s lymphatic system.

According to studies, the treatment can reduce the number of fat cells by an average of 24 percent. Hence, a good number of patients will only need one session, although some may entail repeat procedures to achieve their desired results.

The treatment, which typically takes about 25 minutes to complete, involves alternating sensations of deep warmth and cooling.  In general, patients experience no or very little discomfort. Meanwhile, it is quite normal to experience some slight soreness and swelling around the target areas right after the treatment; it is almost similar to the sensation one would experience after doing a lot of crunches.  This is only short-lived and in no way will interfere with your day-to-day activities.

The Benefits

With this non-invasive body contouring technique, you can return to your normal activities right after your session.  Consequently, some people even call this a lunchtime treatment. Liposuction and other surgery-based techniques, meanwhile, entail up to three weeks of recovery.  For this reason, SculpSure® is a good option for people who want to avoid the prolonged downtime and risks associated with surgery.

After their SculpSure® treatment, some patients have noticed tighter and firmer skin.  Experts have attributed this auspicious effect to the heat energy that is known to trigger the increased production of collagen, which is the main structural protein that gives the skin its strength and plasticity.

To learn more about this non-invasive body contouring technique, make an appointment at Dermatology Consultants of South Florida, with locations in Sunrise and Coral Springs.  Contact us today to book a consultation!