Dermatology Consultants of South Florida

Preventing Psoriasis Flare-Ups in the Summer

Psoriasis is a medical condition that causes skin cells to build up and form itchy patches on the skin. Psoriasis has the potential to lay dormant or flare-up and get worse at almost any moment. While most people suffering from psoriasis will notice that their skin feels much better during the summer, you still have to make sure to properly take care of your skin during this time. However, there are some simple ways to try to prevent psoriasis flare-ups in the summer.

Get Some Sun Exposure

The extra sunlight in the summer and increased levels of humidity are the main reasons why your psoriasis may improve during the summer. While exposure to the sunlight will be great for your skin, you have to avoid getting to much sun exposure. It is best to limit yourself to no more than 15 minutes of direct sunlight without using sunscreen.

Avoid Getting a Sunburn

You may be tempted to stay outside to enjoy the beautiful weather this summer, but psoriasis sufferers have to avoid sunburns at all costs. Even a mild sunburn has the potential to cause a major flare-up. If you are going to be outside for an extended period of time and you want to avoid psoriasis flare-ups, then you need to use at least SPF 30 sunscreen.

Protect Skin Against Bug Bites

Small bugs love to come out during the warm weather of the summer, so you are much more likely to get a bug bite while outside. Bug bites will cause everyone to have itchy skin, but this itching becomes much worse if you have psoriasis. Citronella candles are the best way to keep bugs away because you will not be exposing your skin to irritating bug repellent. If you must use insect repellent, then make sure to find one with low levels of DEET to avoid any psoriasis flare-ups.

Go Swimming

Swimming is a great way to sooth and reduce your symptoms of psoriasis because it helps to remove dead skin cells. Swimming in a pool will provide some relief to your symptoms, but you will experience much more relief if you go swimming in salt water. While swimming will remove the dead skin cells that cause psoriasis flare-ups, it also has the potential to dry out your skin if you are not careful. You should always rinse off and apply a skin moisturizer immediately after getting out of the water to avoid dry skin.

Do Not Sweat

Sweating, especially on the face or scalp, can irritate your skin and cause a major psoriasis flare-up. Since you can start sweating in a matter of minutes on extremely hot and humid days, it is best to stay inside when the temperature starts to get too high. If you start to notice that you are sweating while outside, then you should immediately get inside to cool down.

Consult the Professionals

At Dermatology Consultants of South Florida and Spa Cosmedica and Laser Center, we can offer further advice regarding ways to prevent psoriasis flare-ups in the summer. We also have treatment options available for when the symptoms do occur. We have locations in Coral Springs and Sunrise. Contact us today to schedule your appointment to learn more.