Dermatology Consultants of South Florida

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Body Hair with Laser Hair Removal

Dealing with unwanted hair on any part of your body is extremely frustrating. Just think about all the work that women go through when they want to have smooth, hair-free legs. In addition to the time that it takes them to shave or wax their legs, they are usually not even satisfied with the results they get.

Think of all the times that you have had razor burn, ingrown hairs or even burned skin because of these treatments. You may have to space out the time between shaving to allow your skin to heal. This means that there are times when you have to wear pants when you would prefer to be wearing a skirt or shorts. The same thing is true when you think of waxing. At first, you may love the results. However, there is always that awkward period of time when you have to wait for the hair to grow out until your legs can be waxed again.

More and more people are turning to laser hair removal to get rid of unwanted hair on their legs, chest, underarms and in many other places. Men regularly visit our clinic to have their back and chest treated. Women often visit to treat their legs, underarms and upper lip. The truth is, you can get rid of unwanted hair on almost any part of your body. In addition to the areas mentioned above, we can also treat the bikini line, your arms and other places.

While laser hair removal is not necessarily a permanent hair removal treatment, you are going to get long-lasting results. After a couple of treatment sessions, you may not see the hair come back for several years or more. This means that you can almost completely throw away your tweezers, razors and waxing kits.

One of the things that is important for all of our clients to understand is that the way your hair reacts to laser treatment is going to be different in comparison to other individuals. Even though we can treat individuals with all hair colors and skin tones, the results vary.

The best way for you to find out if laser hair removal would work for you is to schedule a consultation at Dermatology Consultants of South Florida and Spa Cosmedica and Laser Center in Coral Springs. We have been able to achieve superb results when treating individuals of all hair colors and skin types. It may take several sessions for you to get the desired results; however, laser hair removal is a great way for you to say goodbye to your unwanted hair. Contact us today to book your appointment to learn more.