If you have upped your physical regimen and finally achieved the fitness level you have always desired, you may still be dealing with a few problem areas. If you are interested in double chin removal, it’s time to find out more about KYBELLA®. The beauty experts at Dermatology Consultants of South Florida are here to answer all of your questions about this exciting treatment!
Is KYBELLA® an Effective Double Chin Removal Option?
If you are at your preferred weight, exercise, and eat healthfully yet still have a stubborn double chin you may be at your wit’s end looking for a solution to this common problem. Gravity works against a strong jawline by causing the skin to sag. The area is also a common place for fat to deposit, making double chin removal even more difficult. Enter KYBELLA®. This treatment removes the fat cells and flushes them out of your system. In many cases, as long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained, the fat cells will not return. A double chin can be very intrusive and cause you to look older than you are. Even when you are at an ideal weight, you may worry that you will always be stuck with this unwanted facial feature.
Depending on your current condition and your desired end result you will likely need multiple treatment sessions. Appointments last about 30 minutes or so, and there is no downtime at all. After your session, you can continue on with your day as usual. It is astounding what a difference even two sessions of KYBELLA® can make. Double chin removal is a great way to shave years off of your appearance and look young again! If you feel self-conscious about a double chin, there’s no need to suffer any longer. KYBELLA® is a safe and effective way to put your double chin behind you. Find out more about the strong jawline that you can enjoy after just a few treatment sessions of KYBELLA®. You will love the way you look!
This treatment utilizes a naturally-occurring acid that breaks down fat in your digestive system. The FDA has approved this acid to be used in an injectable to target submental fullness specifically. This minimally-invasive treatment is capable of removing your double chin for good!
Are you ready to recapture a more slim and toned jawline? Visit Dermatology Consultants of South Florida in Coral Springs or Sunrise to learn more. We can help you attain the strong profile that you want. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
Stubborn Fat Deposits Are No Match for Double Chin Removal